Sevilla FC social media


According to a report from the specialist website Football Benchmark, since September 2022, only Inter Miami FC and Al-Nassr FC, after signing Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, respectively, have achieved a higher growth percentage than us
Cuerpo Superior

The last 12 months have brought more recognition to Sevilla FC, not only through titles but also through our brand image and international expansion. Before and after winning the UEFA Europa League trophy for the seventh time in Budapest, we enjoyed a year of continuous growth in our number of followers on social media. According to the report on the "Top 20 Best Clubs in the World on Social Media" by the specialist football and data website Football Benchmark, it has highlighted our exponential growth in the past 365 days: only Inter Miami and Al-Nassr FC, the teams of Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, respectively, grew more than us since September 2022.

In this way, the club solidifies its strategic plan for internationalization and increases its advantage as the Spanish club with the fourth most followers: 15.6 million. The growth in followers over these 12 months has more than doubled from what it was in September 2022, specifically a 101% increase, totaling 7.8 million followers across all our official profiles. These figures, when analyzed, become even more illuminating. This 101% growth has only been surpassed by the two aforementioned clubs, where the two most recognized football stars of recent decades play. The American team has grown by 1,197% with Messi's arrival, while Cristiano's Al-Nassr FC increased its followers by 487%.

Just a few months ago, we were the club that experienced the seventh highest growth on social media platforms in China, a strategically significant country not only for the club but also for all major European clubs. The strategy of creating tailored content for each social network, for each country, always in line with the club's values and style, the commitment to digital transformation, the Strategic Internationalization Plan, and our sporting successes against the most powerful clubs have allowed us to generate international support as reflected in some truly remarkable data. In Spain, for quite some time now, only Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, and Atletico Madrid have more followers worldwide than Sevilla FC.