José Castro, presidente del Sevilla FC
First team


José Castro confirmed that Montella told us on Sunday "that he was feeling strong, enthusiastic, capable and confident that he could get us to the Europa League. We have that same confidence in him"
Cuerpo Superior

Sevilla FC Chairman, José Castro spoke to the press after a five hour board meeting and confirmed that Vincenzo Montella will continue as first team coach. He explained: "When we arrived on Sunday, we met him and for three hours he told us that he feels strong, enthusiastic, capable and confident that he can get us to the Europa League. We have that same confidence in him - it was a unanimous board decision".

"We need a wake-up call in our squad that can help us move forward"

Asked about the wake-up call needed for the last five matches, Castro assured: "The wake-up call is in our own squadThe squad came together, with the coaching staff and is discussing how to move the situation forward. And what our squad is telling us, after Saturday's disaster, is that it will move forward. We trust that's what's going to happen". 

In the same regard, he confirmed that the coach will continue: "for the moment. Until the end of the season - then afterwards we'll decide. It's true that its been a season of highs and lows. But we have also played 16, 17 matches more than other teams and that's been plain to see in the league. If there's something we can see it's that we're ambitious and we've tried to get right to the end in all competitions".